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Insulation Installation

We offer multiple applications of insulation installing services to tailor to your needs. Attic, wall, crawlspace, and knee wall insulation are just a few of insulation installing services. The overall purpose of insulation is to provide resistance from heat entering and leaving your home. The more heat flow resistance the insulation provides, the lower the cost of heating and cooling in your home. The insulations ability to produce this heat flow resistance is rated or measured in terms of its thermal resistance or R-value. The R-value can vary depending on the type of insulation material that is being used, its density and its thickness. The higher the R-value the greater the insulating effectiveness. The R-value code for homes are as follows, R-30 for ceilings, R-11 for walls, and R-19 for floors. For attic insulation we always use R-38 or higher because it is more efficient. The materials we normally use are cellulose insulation for blow in insulation in attics which has a R-44 value.


EcoBatt insulation is a newer material made from natural and recycled materials and has a brown color. This material is classified as mold resistant by GREENGUARD and does not support microbial growth or attract insects or vermin. It has an R-value of R-38 and is easy to install and less dusty compared to blow in insulation. It also has a more natural scent compared to other types of batt insulation. It is produced using 61.9% post-consumer recycled materials and is made from mostly sand and contains no Phenol, formaldehyde, acrylics, or artificial colors.


Fiber glass batt insulation is a type of insulating material used in most home attics. It is a flexible sheet of insulation that comes precut to fit in between the rafters of home attics we use is certified to contain 58% recycled content and is GREENGUARD certified to be formaldehyde free. It is very efficient and less dusty when installing compared to blow in insulation, but its main drawback is the difficulty of installation. The material cannot be compressed and has to be installed without any gaps.


Made from recycled jean material and contains 85% recycled content and can be recycled after us as well. It has a 30% higher acoustic rating than traditional insulation ensuring a quieter interior. Another advantage is that it contains no volatile organic compounds or formaldehyde which can pollute your homes indoor air and is also fire retardant.


When most people think of insulation, they think of fluffy materials that are easily compressed or torn. However, rigid foam board insulation is a unique insulation option that provides excellent durability and insulating capabilities. rigid foam insulation can be used for a variety of purposes, including basement, crawl space, and attic insulation. Our rigid foam options are proven to provide effective insulation and help make your home more comfortable and efficient. This type of insulation is harder to install because it requires more air sealing around the boards.

Rigid Foam Insulation in Crawlspace


When we do blow in insulation first thing we do is install attic insulation rafters along every vent to ensure proper airflow in the attic and protect the insulation from being distressed by outside air. If your home has recess lights we install fire-resistant recess light covers to prevent the insulation from getting in your recess lights. The covers also reduce air infiltration from the attic to your interior. The insulation is blown in from the drywall up and fills all voids to ensure it preforms up to its R-value. Cellulose insulation is an environmentally friendly product made from recycled materials that are treated for fire resistance. Cellulose is commonly used to bring attic insulation up to required levels at it can be installed over existing materials. Dense pack cellulose is ideal for filling wall cavities and other enclosed spaces. Cellulose is completely resistant to fire, pest and mold which ensures a long lasting solution that won’t lose performance over time.


Made from rock, blast furnace slag, and other raw materials which are melted and spun into fibers to resemble the texture of wool. Mineral wool comes in batts, rolls or loose-fill forms. Rock-wool insulation can be installed wherever you’d install fiberglass or any other type of insulation, including walls, floors, ceilings, attics and crawlspaces. However, it’s particularly well-suited for rooms along the cold north side of the house and for interior rooms in need of sound deadening. Because rock wool is highly fire resistant, it’s ideal—and often code-required—for use as a firestop between floors of a house.